MBM is a Business School with the purpose of educating people who are constantly seeking to develop themselves as human beings and also to achieve their goals and boost their companies’ results. So far, MBM has trained over 3,200 business owners. After the pandemic of 2020, the company decided it was time to launch an online platform to help businesses that need to adapt digitally and increase their growth and success on the new normal.
This is how MBM University was born: a digital educational platform that people can access online. The company wanted the brand to be elegant and to look professional, and of course fitting for the educational visual communication. That is why we decided to go with a seal instead of a logo. The seal combined with the signature of the brand brings a polished and respectful touch to all the brand application.

A brochure was created in order to introduce the new program that MBM was offering.

The landing page of the program that is available on a educational platform.

In the webpage of the program, the student can find all the cover modules, simply click on it and be taken to the respective content.

Save the date reminders were sent as part of the launching campaign to students that had already graduated from the Advanced MBM program.